UMAWERA SCHOOL: Mission Statement
To inspire all learners to have integrity, beliefs and obtain knowledge so that they will strive to achieve in life.
Kimihia te matauranga i roto te mana, te tika, te akonga me to kaha, kia haere ki te ao hurihuri.
WELCOME: To Matau Wahi / Our Place
Ngā mihi mahana ki te kura o Umawera. Ki ngā whānau hou, nau mai, haere mai. Ki ngā whānau e noho tōnu mai, tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou katoa. Ngā mihi nui tēnei ki a koutou katoa.
Welcome to Umawera School site.
Our vision is to inspire all learners to be the best they can be by striving to obtain knowledge and follow their beliefs with integrity.
At Umawera School, Akonga have the opportunity to enjoy their
Year 0 -Year 6 schooling journey in a safe, happy environment that fosters high self-esteem. We take pride in the pastoral systems we have developed that offer guidance and care for our students throughout their time at Umawera. At Umawera School we are all committed to ensuring our students achieve to their highest potential. We welcome parents’ involvement in school programmes and teachers are happy to discuss children's progress with parents /caregivers whenever the need arises. We offer a well-balanced programme and are committed to providing as many learning opportunities to engage and inspire our students. We welcome you to our site and we look forward to meeting you over the year at To Matou Wahi/ Our Place - Umawera School.
At Umawera School we have three key values that underpin everything we believe to be vital parts of our learners well being and will support them through the rest of their lives.
2025 Term Dates
Term One:
30th January - 11th April
Term Two:
28th April - 27th June
Term three:
14th July - 19th September
Term Four:
6th October - December
8:15 am - 2:00pm
Children will be supervised at school
from 7.45am each morning and until
the buses depart in the afternoon.
School Hours
8.15am to 10.00am - Classes
10.00am to 10.40am - Interval / Kai iti
10.40am to 12.15pm - Classes
12.15pm to 1:00pm - Lunch / Kai Nui
1.00pm to 2.00pm - Classes
Bus departure Time
2.00pm Both buses depart